Saturday, February 28, 2009

i miss u!!!!!

Have you ever bothered to realize
how much you mean to me?
I care so much for you inside
and miss you so deeply.

I sometimes sit for hours
Just to hear from you
And when you never come
I’m unsure what to do
I lay awake in bed sometimes
With you stuck in my head
Sometimes I question your love for me
Or that your with someone else instead

Sometimes I walk at night
Just to gaze at a lonely star
Sometimes I fall to tears
Because you are so far

And every now and then
When I do speak to you
I always get worried
In case you say we’re through
And do you ever wonder
Just what I’m doing to
And do you know
Just how much I think of you????

Because if tomorrow doesn’t come
And I haven’t spoken to you
How will you ever know?
Just how much I love you!!!!!!!!

i miss u!!!!!!!!


  1. fantastic poem yaar ......... nicely written with emotions flowing through , from starting to the end !

  2. thanks for ur comment.........i guess if emotions r true they come out well while u write them like true feelings!!!

  3. awesome thouhts...n d deep meaning in most of the poems r heart toching...very nice

  4. not many peoms can pierce the wall of chest n prick the world of heart..but it proves to be a big lie..wen it comes after reading this poem..huhh...well i felt after reading that flow emotions can damage u more than a tsunami...u re just really wonderful wid gr8 thots..keep ur emotions n DIl alive n open for a knock..very very well shaped poem

  5. u seriously wrote this? hats off!!!
